

What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts go so fast. Fashion is instant language. Being one step ahead of a fashion trend is not so important to me. What matters is to always forge ahead. Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe, the practical with the desirable. I design from instinct. It’s the only way I know how to live. What feels good. What feels right. What is needed. Give me a problem and I will approach it creatively, from my gut. My customers are successful workingwomen.

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It is difficult to talk about fashion in the abstract, without a human body before my eyes, without drawings, without a choice of fabric – without a practical or visual reality. Confidence. If you have it, you can make anything look good. If you wear clothes that don’t suit you, you’re a fashion victim. You have to wear clothes that make you look better. For me, art is about learning and about living with people. It’s alive. I believe in comfort. If you don’t feel comfortable in your clothes, it’s hard to think of anything else.


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